Thursday, December 8, 2011

3D Model Laser and X-ray CT Scanning Projects

3D Model Laser and X-ray CT Scanning Projects

I'm often asked "What is scanning used for?".

I use 3D laser scanners and X-ray CT scanners to create dimensionally accurate CAD models of physical objects (parts) and to perform dimensional analysis and non destructive testing (NDT). The parts generally fall into one of two categories; old stuff and new stuff. The old stuff usually involves CAD modeling and the new stuff dimensional analysis and/or NDT. The following are a few examples:

A foundry making investment cast fire sprinkler heads needed to increase production on an older model head. The foundry wanted a multi cavity mold that would produce wax patterns that were identical to the ones produced with the old single cavity mold. During the development of the original head, the single cavity mold had been modified based on customer requirements and the parts coming out of the mold were significantly different from the old drawings. I was able to laser scan one of the wax patterns and create a solid CAD model that replicated the pattern precisely. The customer then scaled the model for shrinkage and cut a new multi cavity mold. According to the customer, "The parts from the new mold are indistinguishable from the old".

A contract manufacturer specializing in aircraft structural components needed to machine a replacement for a 4' long section of cracked longeron from a commercial airplane. The standard procedure was to use a profile mill to machine a replacement by tracing the profile of the old longeron. The manufacturer had gotten rid of the ancient profile mill in favor of new CNC equipment and had no way to machine a new longeron without a CAD model. I was able to laser scan the cracked longeron and a plaster cast of part of the longeron still in the aircraft and then create a solid CAD model of the replacement with an integral doubler (splice). The customer machined the replacement part and "it dropped right in".

A contract manufacturer machining a family of parts for a long time customer damaged a functional gage for one of the parts. A new gage fabricated to print produced parts that weren't functional. Investigation found that many of the other functional gages weren't made to print even though parts made to them were functionally acceptable. I was able to scan and model the gages to enable the shop's drafting department to produce accurate drawings and to aid machining of new ones in the event of another mishap.

A firearms manufacturer cracked a set of forming dies used on one of its most popular pistol magazines. The dies had been tweaked to provide parts that functioned reliably and did not exactly match the CAD models originally used to make them. Prior to the accident, the manufacturer had already had me scan and model a magazine in preparation for designing new and improved dies. Unfortunately, the accident accelerated the project and necessitated a more direct approach. I was able to scan and model the old dies so that new ones could be machined immediately.

As part of a reshoring effort, an injection molding company needed to design and fabricate molds for a sporting goods item. The original molds were made to match hand carved prototypes and no drawings or models were available. I was able to laser scan and model one of the parts produced overseas so that new molds could be produced here.

A manufacturer of high end kitchen utensils was having problems with unacceptable overmolding on one of its product handles. The problem was caused by mismatch between the parts coming out of the primary molds and the overmold tooling. I was able to laser scan and model some parts from the primary molds. The CAD models included the shrinkage and warping found on the parts. The models were used to re machine the overmold tooling to precisely match the parts. This has since become the manufacturer's de facto method for debugging overmold problems.

A medical device manufacturer wanted to shorten the development time on a new delivery system. The system was an assembly of ultra precision injected molded parts with extremely small features. Previously, similar systems had required many iterations of mold tooling designs to achieve the desired product quality. Using X-ray CT scanning I was able to create very precise, ultra high resolution CAD models of the as-molded assembly components. I then 'assembled' the components in CAD and used fly throughs, sections and interference checks to determine the required modifications and eliminate many mold iterations.

The above are only a few of my scanning projects, but perhaps they give some idea as to "What is scanning used for?". For more details.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3D Model to Raise Taxes

3D Model to Raise Taxes

The best way to stimulate the US economy and reduce the US government deficit is to raise taxes.

Before I go any further, I want to say that I truly believe that government spending needs to be thoughtfully reduced. The government "wastes" a lot of money through lack of effective oversight and that waste should be eliminated to the greatest degree possible. But that would not stimulate the economy and would only slightly reduce the deficit.

The "economy" (US, EU, etc) is the mechanism by which goods and services are distributed. When it's working well, a very large percentage, nearly all, of the people are able to obtain goods and services in a timely manner without undue sacrifice. When the economy is working poorly, as it is now, a smaller percentage is able to obtain these benefits. What's an acceptably large percentage? What's an unacceptably small percentage? I think you and I will agree that if the percentage doesn't include us, you and me, it's too small.

Goods and services are distributed by a sophisticated and complex bartering system that uses currency (dollars) as its exchange mechanism. When I obtain goods and services from you, I exchange them for currency, which you then use to obtain goods and services, and visa versa. The currency is simply a promise to exchange goods and services. The currency has no value on its own. Without my promise to exchange something in return for currency, the currency has no value to you. A dollar without people is entirely worthless, it only has value when you and I agree that it can be exchanged for something else. Without us, you and me, the dollar is not even worth the ink and paper it's printed on, because most of our currency, most of the dollars, don't even exist - most are simply numbers in a ledger or computer - most were never printed and never will be.

Not only do we have to agree to exchange currency, we have to actually exchange it, keep it moving. If currency piles up in one or more spots, it stops working. If I collect currency from you and never exchange it, if I horde it, I've broken my promise to exchange it and it becomes worthless. When I have all the dollars and you have none, you have no reason to exchange services or goods for dollars. You would be better served by picking a new exchange mechanism, like navel lint, where you and I both start out with pretty much the same amount.

Currency has its greatest exchange value when it's moving freely. It has zero value when it stops moving. When it's moving sluggishly, like now, its exchange value is somewhere in between. Stimulating the economy means causing money to move at a rate that yields an acceptable value. What is that value? Once again, you and I will agree that it's too low if we have to sacrifice to obtain the goods and services that we need to thrive.

Right now, currency is not being exchanged at an acceptable rate, it is pooling up with the wealthiest companies and the wealthiest people. For instance, Google was recently published to have over 42 billion dollars in cash and equivalents. What will it take to get this currency moving? What about incentives? Google is already working as hard as it can to become as big as it can. Will giving Google monetary incentives, giving Google more money, cause Google to create more Jobs? Currency loses value as it pools and Google already has a really big pool. It would take a huge monetary incentive to get Google to even notice it and then they wouldn't be able to try any harder than they already are.

One way to keep currency moving and stop dollars from pooling is to take it, in the form of taxes, from those who have large amounts of it. By some estimates, for every dollar the government spends on goods and services from US companies, the GDP increases by $.70 to $1.50. Right now, the government is spending lots of money on interest because of the deficit. By raising taxes, less money could be spent on interest and more could be spent on goods and services. That spending would stimulate the economy, but so would the companies and people from whom the taxes are collected.

Corporations are not autonomous entities working on cool logic to maximize revenue. Corporations are managed by people who seek to obtain a higher standard of living. A man with a full belly has little incentive to gather food, but a man who has had a full belly and whose belly is now empty has a lot of incentive to find food. The idea that taking money from someone who is accustomed to having it is going to cause that person to want it less, to become less productive, is naïve and demeaning. The people that make our country great are not going to lie down because they have to pay more taxes, they are going to rise to the occasion and make more money to maintain their standard of living. And by doing so will create new jobs and stimulate the economy.

Stimulating the economy means causing currency to move faster and to pool less. An effective way to accomplish this is to raise taxes on currency that isn't moving. Taxing income and/or sales is counter productive - earning and spending moves currency and should be encouraged, not taxed. Collecting huge cash pools and properties should be taxed, not eliminated, just taxed. A well thought out cash, cash equivalents and property tax could benefit all, including those paying the taxes.

Friday, October 21, 2011

3D Model Bolt Remover

3D Model Bolt Remover

Irwin bolt removers work great.

While trying to remove the blade from a neighbor's Honda lawn mower, I broke a 6 point 14mm socket wrench and rounded off the bolt head in the process. I went to the local home and garden store and picked up a set of Irwin bolt removers. I used a hammer to tap the 14mm remover onto the bolt head and then tried to remove the stuck bolt. I wasn't successful, but not because of the Irwin bolt remover, it didn't slip a bit. With a 18" breaker bar and a 12" cheater pipe, I was afraid that I was going to break off the bolt if I applied any more torque.

Friday, September 30, 2011

3D Model Lifecycle of Money

3D Model Lifecycle of Money

"Money doesn't grow on trees" i.e. money isn't free, is pretty widely accepted - a business has to sell services or goods to make money. Perhaps not so obvious is that, in a business, money has a lifecycle and that lifecycle costs money.

Let's look at a generic company that operates entirely off of its cash flow and doesn't use credit for day to day operations. A simplified money lifecycle might look something like the following where:
'F' = funds (postage, shipping, etc)
'L' = labor
'M' = materials (forms, boxes, etc.)
'T' = time

Lifecycle Start
1. Get Money
   a. Customer Purchase Order Processing
      1. Receive PO   (L, T)
      2. Issue Shop Orders   (L, M, T)
   b. Fulfillment
      1. Pull Inventory   (L, M, T)
      2. Box and Ship   (F, L, M, T)
   c. Customer Invoicing
      1. Create and Send Invoices   (F, L, M, T)
      2. Wait for Payment   (T)
   d. Customer Payment Processing
      1. Receive and Process Payments   (L, M, T)
      2. Reconcile Delinquent Accounts   (F, L, M, T)
2. Keep Money (for some time period)   (T)
3. Spend Money
   a. Purchase Order Processing
      1. Generate Purchase Requisition   (L, M, T)
      2. Create and Send Purchase Orders   (F, L, M, T)
   b. Receive Goods
      1. Receive and Reconcile Shipments   (L, M, T)
      2. Receiving Inspection   (L, M, T)
   c. Invoice Processing
      1. Receive and Reconcile Invoices   (L, T)
      2. Issue Payment Request   (L, M, T)
   d. Payment Processing
      1. Generate and Send Payments   (F, L, M, T)
      2. Reconcile Accounts   (L, M, T)
Lifecyle End

If F, L, M and T all cost money, then the value of a dollar on a customer's PO is significantly reduced by the time it's spent i.e. when its lifecycle has ended. If a company only has one product and one customer, then the reduction in value may be fairly constant. However, if a company has multiple products and/or multiple customers, it is very unlikely that the cost will be constant.

Costs that vary by product or customer are not "overhead". If a company fails to understand the different costs, the company has no hope of maximizing its profit, it will invariably create undesirable price customer combinations. Customers being charged too much may leave. Customers being charged too little may bleed the company dry.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

3D Model FANUC Program Transfer

3D Model FANUC Program Transfer

FANUC's Program Transfer Tool does a great job on CNC programs and offsets, but not so great on CNC control parameters. Download and install Fanuc2Numbers to convert parameters like "[26312*65536+46138]/[67108864*32]" into ordinary numbers like "0.80300".

1. Use the Program Transfer Tool to download the control's parameter file to a PC.
2. Start Fanuc2Numbers and "Agree" not to hold me responsible if something goes wrong.
3. Select the "Fanuc" button and browse to the parameter file you downloaded.
4. Select the "New" button and enter a filename for the converted parameters. If you use the same name, it will over write the original file.
5. Select the "Convert" button and you're done. The new file will contain only ordinary numbers.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3D Model Scanner Resolution vs Feature Size

3D Model Scanner Resolution vs Feature Size

The size of a feature that can be reliably detected by a laser scanner is significantly larger than the scanner’s resolution.

A scanner’s resolution or point density is a measure of how closely points are spaced on the surfaces being scanned. A scanner with a resolution of 50µ (.050mm) will record a point every 50µ if the scanner is perpendicular to the surface being scanned. As it is not generally possible to always scan perpendicular to all surfaces, the scan angle should be taken into account. For instance, at an angle of 45 degrees, the distance between points increases to approximately 71µ. Once the point spacing is known, detectible feature size can be calculated.

The laser never captures 100% of any feature and the closer the point density is to the size of the feature, the lower the percentage of capture. A 1mm feature scanned with 70µ point spacing can be detected to 93% and a 0.5mm feature to 86%. Conversely, the size of the feature can be calculated. For an 80% capture with 70µ point spacing, the feature must be at least 0.35mm.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

3D Model New SolidWorks User

3D Model New SolidWorks User

A new client requires that I supply all CAD files in SolidWorks with intact feature trees. The project is large enough that it warranted purchasing a seat. The project's schedule is fairly aggressive and I had to come up to speed with the new software as quickly as possible.

I plowed through a couple of tutorials and went to work on my client's project. Although certainly not a power user, I am able create relatively complex geometry and assembly constraints with little fumbling.

The interface and workflow are very similar to Rapidform XOR, which is my primary CAD modeling tool. Rapidform has extensive tools for working with meshes and point clouds and for reverse engineering. And it will continue to be Reverse Austin's primary CAD package, but I'm very impressed with the functionality and ease of use of SolidWorks.

Friday, July 8, 2011

3D Model - When Calibration is a Bad Thing

3D Model - When Calibration is a Bad Thing

Equipment and instrument calibration is not an acceptable substitute for process feedback.

I once worked with a very intelligent Quality Assurance (QA) engineer. In a discussion where he was espousing the virtues of mandatory periodic equipment calibrations, he made the statement "I never buy tires from a company that doesn't provide alignment services. I always have my car alignment checked when I buy new tires." He was quite certain that this analogy supported his argument that periodic equipment and instrument calibrations were essential.

The concept argued by the QA engineer is that all things that may require adjustment or calibration have to be checked and adjusted on a periodic basis by qualified technicians using specialized equipment. Belief in this concept is ubiquitous in today's QC systems and is even dictated by many regulatory bodies including the United States FDA.

Back to the car analogy: Let’s suppose that I'm taking my car in to get new tires after having gotten 60,000 miles on my old ones. Further, let's say that the tires all wore evenly, that the car drives straight and true and that the car's gas mileage has been constant and is acceptable. Should I have someone check and adjust the wheel alignment?

The purpose of wheel alignment is to insure that the tires track true to the vehicle's path so that the car drives straight, the tires wear evenly, the tires last a long time and the vehicle gets good gas mileage. If these conditions are true, why let someone adjust the alignment? No matter how well trained and no matter how specific their equipment, they are not going to make things any better and they might make things worse. If these conditions are not true, why did I wait until now to do something about it?

A successful process requires timely feedback. Waiting until my tires are worn out to check my alignment is not timely. I should visually inspect my tires as I walk up to the car, not only for wear, but for proper inflation. When I drive, I should be aware of unusual or unacceptable behavior like pulling or drifting. And when I fill up at the gas pump, I should check my gas mileage to verify that nothing’s amiss with the engine or drive train.

Time and time again, I've seen processes go haywire after mandatory equipment calibrations. I’ve also seen "validated" processes, using calibrated equipment, drift out of specification. Measurement processes are especially vulnerable. It's common to see measurement processes go unmonitored and reliant solely on periodic calibrations.

Do not rely on equipment calibrations to insure process integrity. Find timely feedback mechanisms and use them to monitor processes. Use calibrations as diagnostic tools, not as process controls.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

3D Model Overmold Scanning

3D Model Overmold Scanning

3D Scanning can be a very powerful tool for correcting overmold problems.

Flash and/or failure to shut off in overmolding is often caused by a poor fit between the part and the mold. Scanning can provide an easy and straightforward method to correct the fit.

The part to be overmolded is scanned and enough data is collected to accurately describe the part. Software such as Rapidform is used to create a solid model (CAD model) of the part including all the shrinkage, warpage, etc. The end result being a CAD model that accurately represents the part to be overmolded. The model is then used to redesign and modify the overmold tooling to fit the part precisely.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3D Model Dimensional Inspection

3D Model Dimensional Inspection

X-ray CT scanning and 3D Laser scanning are ideal for dimensional inspection of components, especially when ergonomic or freeform shapes are involved.

Modern CAD software is not limited to prismatic features. Designers are able to incorporate a wide variety of shapes that often defy inspection without the use of scanning. This is especially true with injection molded components.

When diagnosing overmolding problems or assembly issues on parts with complex surfaces, scanning is often the only way to collect enough data to accurately characterize the components and find the problems. Sometimes it's even beneficial to "reverse engineer" the molded component and create a solid model (CAD model) with shrinks, checks, warps, etc intact.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3D Model AVAST XP 64-bit Problem

3D Model AVAST XP 64-bit Problem

"There could be an issue with your operating system probably" is the AVAST support response to this issue.

Due to the nature of my work, I run Windows XP 64-bit. I've been using AVAST anti virus software for 3 years and until recently, I've been a big fan of their product. But starting with the release of version 6, I've been having problems with updates. Some virus database updates corrupt my system and prevent the system from booting, causing it to hang during the boot process.

To fix this issue I have to:
1. Boot in Safe Mode
2. Un-install AVAST
3. Boot normally
4. Re-install AVAST

After the above, the system will behave normally until another AVAST update. Not every update causes a problem. In fact, most don't, but 4 times in the last month I've had to recover using the above procedure.

A Google search on this issue reveals that I'm not the only one with this problem. If you're running XP 64-bit and looking for anti-virus software, you might do well to look at something other than AVAST.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3D Model Rapidform XOR Certified

3D Model Rapidform XOR Certified

I just got word that I'm certified in Rapidform XOR. I'm not completely sure what the certification means other than that I passed the 2.5 hour long on-line proficiency test. The test was also a prerequisite for attending the advanced training classes at this year's Rapidform Success conference, which I did.

So if I was already certified before I took the advanced classes...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

3D Model Rapidform Success

3D Model Rapidform Success

I just got back from the Rapidform Success 2011 conference in Denver where I completed the Rapidform Advanced XOR training - great experience, learned a lot. I was impressed with the software before and I’m even more impressed now.

Rapidform XOR is software for processing 3D scan data. Rapidform uses the Parasolid modeling kernel and creates parametric solid CAD models. The modeling tools are comparable to the major CAD packages plus the software has great tools for processing scan data.

I’m looking forward to applying what I’ve learned...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

3D Model CNC Machining STL

3D Model CNC Machining STL

Many shops are reluctant to machine parts using STL CAD models. Shops that embrace STL have an advantage over those that don't.

I recently surveyed a number of contract manufacturers with CNC machining capabilities. Only one shop responded positively. And they didn't say that they could or did machine from STL, but that they thought they could. I provided them with an STL file of part of an avocado to see if they could tool path it. They sent me a picture of the partial avocado machined from foam. I thought that was a pretty impressive response given that all the other shops either just said "no" or didn't respond.

Why is it important to be able to machine using STL files?

Most additive type rapid prototyping methods (SLA, SLS, FDM, EBM, 3DP, etc.) rely on CAD models in STL format. When going from prototype to production, I think there's an advantage to using the same file for both.

Many 3D laser scanners and X-ray CT scanners output STL files. If the purpose of scanning is to be able to machine a replacement part for a +20 year old aircraft, legacy tooling, patterns, etc, why add the burden of creating solid models from the STL output by the scanners? Why not just machine the STL? The concept is already established in rapid prototyping as "scan to print". If modifications are needed, software like Rapidform's XOR Redesign have tools for modeling with STL.

For more advantages to STL, see Tom Beard's Modern Machine Shop article.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

3D Model of a Hand

3D Model of a Hand

Smooth_On's 'Life Casting Starter Kit' is easy to use and a bit of fun.

Most of the things I replicate are inanimate, like engine head ports or coins (Redesign on a Dime). For things like that, I've used slow setting low shrinkage silicone rubber. For living things you need something a bit quicker and safer. Just to try it out, I purchased a kit from Reynolds Advanced Materials and made a plaster reproduction of my hand. It was pretty straight forward - once I read ALL of the directions. The first attempt didn't work because the materials were too warm and set up before I could get my hand in. The folks at Reynolds were very understanding and helpful.

The second attempt went better, but I had a few air bubbles in the plaster. I scanned the plaster replica with my ZScanner 800 and the voids were easily fixed using Rapidform XOR. You can download a free copy of the STL file, just click on the hand and select download.

I expect my next attempt to give much better results.

Friday, February 11, 2011

3D Model Replicator

3D Model Replicator

Unlike the Replicator in the fictional Star Trek universe, today’s Additive Manufacturing (AM) machines can’t produce foods, drinks or electronic gizmos. But some of today’s machines can produce parts out of plastics, resins and even metals with little more than the press of a button.

Conventional manufacturing processes are typically subtractive and start with a piece of material that’s bigger than the desired part and then remove the excess to reveal the finished part. The waste, the bits and pieces removed, can often be recycled, but at some expense. AM processes start with nothing and build the finished part with little or no waste.

AM encompasses a number of manufacturing processes including:
* Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
* Electron beam melting (EBM)
* Selective laser sintering (SLS)
* Stereolithograpghy (SL)
* 3D printing (3DP)
As some of the names imply, some of the processes require expensive high tech equipment and highly trained technicians. But some of the processes, like 3D printing, are becoming simple enough to be used in high school classrooms. Relatively inexpensive kits are available that allow building a personal 3D printer today much like kits of the 1970’s allowed building personal computers.

To print a part, two things are required; a 3D printer and a computer 3D model of the part to be printed, usually in STL format. The STL file is loaded into the printer’s software, the software ‘cuts’ the 3D model into thin slices and directs the print head to deposit each slice in sequence. Just like Star Trek, the user pushes a button and a part appears, albeit much more slowly than in the movies. With ever continuing advances in AM technology, the time may not, in fact, be too far distant when, rather than go to a store to buy a widget, we simply download a 3D model file for a widget and print it on our version of a Replicator.

Monday, January 10, 2011

3D Model Redesign on a Dime

3D Model Redesign on a Dime

The X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) project is pretty much complete. The STL files and the larger than life coins look pretty good. Click here to download a brief project description. Click here to purchase high resolution STL files of the coin (Dime) at 1X magnification.